Most often that not when changing the HTTP Method you may want to change the serialization format as well. This can be done by setting the "Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_TYPE" property on the options object (You can change the Serialization format even without changing the HTTP Method. For e.g Send a POX message via POST).
The following code Snippet shows how to send a message as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" over GET.
Hello, good morning...
I create a simple service in Axis2. The service is return Hello + variable input by client.
I test this service in browser, it is running well, The problem is, I can't assign value to parameter input.
The URL like this: http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/HelloWorld/sayHello?name="windu"
I hope, I get output like this:
‹return›Hello windu‹/return›
but the reality, output like this:
‹return›Hello null‹/return›
whats wrong in my code? is there relation with HTTP method?
Hi Keith,
In case of async requests (service1 calls service2 asynchronously), when I access HttpServletRequest at service2 , I get getMethod() as null. What you said is by default the method will be set to "POST". Then why in this case method is returned as null?
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