Monday, September 15, 2008

Sending IM Messages via Yahoo using the Mashup Server

[Note: also published on the blog.]

If you try to send IM messages using a yahoo account in the WSO2 Mashup Server you may encounter the following error.

Fault: Cannot find yahoo library in the class path. Please make sure its in the classpath.

The reason for this could either of the following,
  • The yahoo Library in not in your classpath - Download the latest version from YMSG
  • You have the yahoo library in your classpath but its an old version. You need to have the latest version in your classpath to get this working.
Now that you have the latest version of the Yahoo messaging library in your classpath its time to test it out.
Here is a simple client for sending a IM message via yahoo,

function IMExample(){
var im = new IM("yahoo");
im.sendMessage("keithgodwinchapman","Hi, This was sent from the WSO2 Mashup Server!");

For more details on sending IM messages using the WSO2 Mashup Server please refer the "Sending Instant Messages via Mashup Server" article.

You may have noticed that this sample is very similar to Sending MSN messages using the Mashup Server.
It is indeed the only difference is the argument you pass into the constructor of the IM host object. Have fun sending IM's using the WSO2 Mashup Server!

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