Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Get Twitter Friends Time Line Using a Mashup

Milinda has posted how to Get Your Twitter Friends Time Line Using libcurl. I thought of publishing a alternative mechanism to doing it. How about getting your twitter friends time line using the WSO2 Mashup Server? Well is pretty simple and straight forward. Here is the code (Just a few lines of code),

function getTwitterFriendsTimeline(){
var request = new WSRequest();"GET","", false, "username","password");
return request.responseE4X;

Pretty simple ha! If you wanted you could have published this on mooshup and have it run for you 24*7 for you. Of course you might want to do something with this data to make it a useful mashup.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Twitter SPY displays the Twitter public timeline in a fancy and addictive way. Twitter's recent outages seem to address that at least partially paging backwards in your personal friends timeline is scaled back, as are examining.



Friends Dating